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Feb 2021 Silver Lining Newsletter

Feb 2021 Silver Lining Newsletter

1. 2021 Medal settlement activity The Silver Lining School of Ho Yan held a Medal settlement activity in early February! The school has a tradition to give the children a reward sticker for merits in their studies like outstanding grades or positive behavior. On every term's Redemption Day, the children can use their stickers to redeem for small prizes and awards. We hope this project will motivate the students to put more effort into their studies and develop good habits. 2. Celebrating the New Year Together To prevent the pandemic's spread, the children at the Dahua Caring Center must spend the Lunar New Year at the Center this year. Although the children cannot return to visit their families back home, they had a worthy New Year holiday. Besides gathering to write Fai Chun, the children can also enroll in music classes and get their daily exercise and study time. Also, the mothers at the Caring Center organized pandemic prevention workshops and fire drills for the children. Everyone has a happy and lively New Year! 3. Here Come the Online Classes Again The Lunar New Year also happened in February in Vietnam. The children of the Vietnam Silver Lining Rehabilitation Center had a plan to return to the Center on February 22 to begin their classes there right after the New Year holiday. Unfortunately, due to Hanoi's abrupt pandemic outbreak, we need to go back to online sessions and modify the class schedule. However, the instructors at the Vietnam Silver Lining are committed to their preparations. They will persist during the pandemic to assist the children with disabilities in their rehabilitation training.
Jan 2021 Silver Lining Newsletter

Jan 2021 Silver Lining Newsletter

1.The Aspiring Artists within the Silver Lining Children Can anyone imagine that the paintings created by the children of Silver Lining are on display in an art gallery?In conjunction with the Guangxi Art Museum, the Nanning Silver Lining Rehabilitation Center hosted a painting exhibition in January with the theme of "Love." More than 50 outstanding paintings created by the Silver Lining children are on display. The goal is to direct people's attention to the innate beauty of children with disabilities and their positive attitudes. The aspiring artists within the children also emerge! 2. Visiting the Mountains with a Loving Heart Silver Lining's social workers will travel to the rural mountains every two months to visit the distressed children and the orphans living there. In their most recent visit, the social workers delivered keep-warm items like clothing and thermal blankets to the children, giving them some protection against the severe winter. Also, the social workers celebrated the children's birthdays, and they engaged them with storytelling. Their loving and caring deeds help nurture the children's growth! 3. The Joy of Reading at the Rural Mountain Schools To enrich the campus life of the children living in the rural mountains, Silver Lining gifted a set of books for afterschool reading to the Banlan Village Primary School in Dahua County. They also assist in concert to set up book corners for ten classes and organizing various reading activities. The intent is to improve the reading ambiance and culture at the rural mountain school and heighten the students' interest in reading. The children can benefit from a more well-rounded development. Silver Lining will continue to monitor the needs of the rural mountain schools and their students. 4. Early New Year celebration Silver Lining Rehabilitation Center in Vietnam had an early New Year celebration! The children and parents wrapped square rice dumplings together, with a meaning of family reunion. After that, we had a Chinese New Year Market to let the children experience the lively atmosphere of this special season!
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